
The Office of the Bursar is responsible for student billing and collection.

West Chester University’s primary source of communication is via the student’s WCU email. Please help ensure your student’s success by encouraging them to regularly monitor their WCU email.

Students will receive an email notification when new charges for the semester are posted to their account. Upon receipt of the email, students may view/print an on-demand Statement of Account via myWCU.

Students must grant access to parents/guardians to view charges and print an on-demand Statement of Account. 

How to grant access:

  • Log into myWCU
  • Click on the Personal Information Tile
  • Click on the "Share my Information" tab
  • Click on the "Delegate Access to New Contact" button
  • Select Account Summary access

Encourage your student to enroll you as an Authorized Payer so you will have access to our QuikPAY system.  Authorized Payers can make payments and enroll in a payment plan via QuikPAY.