Christopher Roemmele

Christopher Roemmele
  • Associate Professor
  • Department: Earth and Space Sciences
  • Institution: West Chester University of Pennsylvania
  • Email:


  • PhD., Purdue University in Earth, Atmosphere, & Planetary Science
  • M.A., Kean University in Science Education Curriculum and Instruction
  • B.A., Franklin and Marshall College in Geosciences

Research Interests

geoscience education, science pedagogy and curricula, assessment and standards-based grading


Work Study Positions Available: No

Grant Funded Positions Available: No

Course-Credit Research Opportunities Available: No

Volunteer Research Positions Available: No


Christopher Roemmele received his PhD. from the Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences Department at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana, focusing on geoscience education. His research focused on introductory geology students and the topics and activities initiate changes in their attitudes and conceptual understanding and develop their geologic worldviews. Dr. Roemmele develops and collaborates on new activities and scaffolds that promote active 3-dimensional learning and teaching and has published in NSTA's Science Teacher and Science Scope, and NESTA's The Earth Scientist. Since arriving at WCU, he has written an introductory geology textbook, and has created a growing series of instructional demonstration videos and virtual reality field trips. Dr. Roemmele taught high school and middle school science for 15 years in New Jersey, during which time he was President of the New Jersey Earth Science Teachers Association. Dr. Roemmele and colleagues in the Secondary Education Department received a $1.5 million grant from the National Science Foundation Robert Noyce Track 2 Division to start WISER - WCU Improving STEM Education Through Residency, a residency M.Ed. in STEM fields that will focus on retention through professional development, mentoring, and teacher leadership.

Contact Information

Phone: 610-436-2108