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Dr. Daniel Ilaria Headshot West Chester University media relations managers are happy to assist journalists with interview requests for this expert. Please call the Communications Office at 610-436-3383.

Dr. Daniel Ilaria


College of Education and Social Work - Secondary Education


As a former middle and high school teacher, Dr. Daniel Ilaria taught pre-algebra through AP Calculus courses. For five years, he was a district supervisor in mathematics, where he began working with teachers to grow in their own practice. Upon completing his Masters in Mathematics and Ph.D. in Mathematics Education at Rutgers University, Ilaria transitioned to the University level to work with teacher candidates.

He speaks nationally about topics in Mathematics Education aligned to improving practices and building conceptual understanding of mathematics.


  • Mathematics Teaching
  • Technology in Math Education


  • B.S., Drew University
  • M.Ed., Rutgers University
  • M.S., Rutgers University
  • Ph.D., Rutgers University