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Launch Your Career As a Clinical Psychologist with a Psy.D. from WCU

Mental health issues are increasing worldwide, compounded by the Covid-19 pandemic.

According to reports from the World Health Organization and the American Psychological Association:

  • 20% of the world’s children and adolescents are suffering from mental health conditions.
  • Suicide is the second leading cause of death for 15-29 year-olds.
  • More than 13% increase in mental health and substance use disorders.

If you’ve been looking to make a tangible difference in the world around you, the Doctor of Psychology program at West Chester University may be for you!

Clinical psychologists work with many different populations including children, couples, families, and even whole communities. They can evaluate, identify, and treat patients with mental, behavioral, emotional, and substance abuse disorders.

The doctoral degree program at WCU will give you the classroom knowledge and hands-on training to pursue licensure and start your career as a clinical psychologist.


Specializations in the Doctor of Clinical Psychology Program

Child and Adolescent Mental Health

Students seeking this specialization will focus their mentored research, practica placements, and elective courses on child and adolescent mental health. Several of our faculty direct research labs that focus specifically on youth development, and the University has placements in several high-profile organizations including Nemours A.I. DuPont Hospital for Children, the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, and the Centreville School.


Students seeking to work with trauma-exposed populations can do so through mentored research, practica placements, and through our elective courses. Several of our faculty direct research labs that focus specifically on work with trauma-exposed populations, and the University has placements in several high-profile organizations including the Philadelphia VA.


Benefits of Earning Your Doctoral Degree at West Chester University

Accredited by the APA

WCU’s Psy.D. program is accredited by the American Psychological Association. Graduating from an APA accredited program signals to potential employers and licensing boards that you have the educational and scientific foundation to succeed in your field. The WCU PsyD program is an APA accredited doctoral program. APA has granted the PsyD program full accreditation with its next site visit scheduled to be held in 2033. Questions related to the program’s accredited status should be directed to the Commission on Accreditation:

Office of Program Consultation and Accreditation
American Psychological Association
750 1st Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002
Phone: (202) 336-5979 / E-mail:

Clinical Training

You’ll be immersed in clinical training from your first year in the program and continue hands-on placements through your fifth year. Clinical training begins with our state-of-the art, in-house clinic in your first and second years. In your third and fourth years, you’ll select practicum placements that will provide training in your area of specialization. Your final year of the program is dedicated exclusively to a full-time, predoctoral clinical internship. Our practitioner-scholar model will prepare you for leadership roles in the field.

On Campus, In-House Clinic

You won’t have to travel far to begin your clinical training. At WCU, we have our own in-house mental health clinic that serves our campus community as well as the broader West Chester community. This state-of-the-art training facility offers a range of assessment and therapy services for a diverse socio-economic population. You’ll be supervised by licensed clinical psychologists as you get experience providing clinical services to children, families, and adults in the community.

Exceptional Faculty

Our faculty members bring their diverse experiences into each and every class to help you excel in your chosen specialization. At WCU, you’ll find approachable faculty who teach and follow the practitioner-scholar model. You’ll have opportunities for research in areas like: improving outcomes for children in foster care, racial/ethnic disparities in mental health, community-based interventions, the science of training, the role of family relationships in children's social and emotional development, mindfulness-based stress reduction, impact of aging and emotion on cognition, and the utility of art for children living in poverty to name just a few.

Funding Opportunities

WCU’s Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology offers multiple funding options: graduate assistantships (GA),teaching associates (TA), and grant-funded hourly work. The graduate assistantship, typically awarded to first and second year students, covers a portion of tuition in exchange for working in the research lab of your research mentor or another campus location. Several faculty members have research grants that fund hourly positions for students who are paid as clinicians, or research assistants. Teaching associate positions (offered only to students with a master’s degree) provide a stipend for mentored teaching of undergraduate classes in Psychology. All positions are based on a competitive application process and the availability of funds. Full-time graduate students are also eligible to file the FAFSA for state and or federal grants, financial aid, and loans.


What Can You Do with a Doctoral Degree in Clinical Psychology?

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports a median salary of $85,330 for clinical psychologists in the U.S. Salary varies depending on factors such as location, industry, and experience.

With your doctorate, you can start your own practice, go into research, work as part of a patient care team, work in schools, or even teach at the collegiate level. The field of clinical psychology is anticipated to grow by 6% (faster than average) through 2032.


What Will You Study as a Doctoral Student in Clinical Psychology

Your specific courses depend on your specialization but may include:

  • Biological Bases for Behavior
  • Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy
  • Advanced Health Psychology
  • Community Interventions
  • Trauma and Treatment

Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology

Code Title Credits
Required Courses
Some required courses must be taken multiple times for credit. Please see footnotes for details.
PSY 600Research Report 11-3
PSY 601Introduction to Statistics/Research Methods3
PSY 602Advanced Statistical Methods3
PSY 605Biological Bases of Behavior3
PSY 607Cognitive-Affective Bases of Behavior3
PSY 608Developmental Bases of Behavior3
PSY 609Advanced Social Psychology3
PSY 700Adult Psychopathology3
PSY 701Child and Adolescent Psychopathology3
PSY 705Multicultural Clinical Psychology3
PSY 708Ethical, Legal, and Professional Issues in Psychotherapy3
PSY 710Psychotherapy I: Cognitive and Behavior Therapy3
PSY 712Psychotherapy II: Interpersonal and Psychodynamic Theory3
PSY 714Psychotherapy III: Child and Family Therapy3
PSY 716Psychotherapy IV: Group Dynamics/Group Interventions3
PSY 720Assessment I: Intellectual Assessment3
PSY 721Assessment II: Personality Assessment3
PSY 730Clinical Skills Practicum3
PSY 732Consultation and Supervision in Clinical Practice3
PSY 731Clinical Supervision 21
PSY 733Psychology Clinic Practicum 22
PSY 734Advanced Clinical Practicum 32-3
PSY 740Research Practicum 43
PSY 742Program Evaluation3
PSY 800Dissertation3
PSY 890Pre-Doctoral Clinical Internship 51-6
Select four courses from the following: 12
PSY 680
Advanced Health Psychology
PSY 750
Community Interventions
PSY 752
Clinical Neuropsychology
PSY 760
Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood
PSY 761
Infant Mental Health
PSY 770
Trauma and Treatment
PSY 780
Trauma Interventions for Children and Adolescents
PSY 781
Ecological Contexts of Trauma
Total Minimum Credits Required114

PSY 600 must be taken 3 times for credit.


PSY 731 and PSY 733 must be taken 5 times for credit.


PSY 734 must be taken 4-6 times for credit.


PSY 740 must be taken twice for credit.


Three credits of Pre-Doctoral Clinical Internship are required.

For more detail about doctor of clinical psychology program courses, see the catalog page.

Get Started on YourPsyD

If you’re interested in making a difference in the world by working with diverse populations who have been affected by mental health issues and past traumas, the doctor of clinical psychology is the place to start. Apply today and start changing the world.

Application Requirements

The doctoral program in clinical psychology at West Chester University does not require GRE General Test scores or the GRE Psychology Subject Test as part of the application process.

The Psy.D. program requires an undergraduate degree in Psychology or a related field, or a graduate degree in Psychology as well as a minimum undergraduate GPA of 3.0 or graduate GPA of 3.3.

Additionally, the Psy.D. program has prerequisite courses that must be completed at either the undergraduate or graduate level prior to enrollment:

  • Introduction to Psychology
  • Statistics
  • Research Methods
  • Abnormal Psychology
  • Personality Psychology
  • History of Psychology

Application Materials

West Chester University’s Doctoral program in Clinical Psychology welcomes applications for a fall start date. A complete application is required for an admission decision, and includes:

  • WCU Application and application fee
  • Current CV, including research and clinical experience
  • Statement of Professional Interests (no more than three pages, double-spaced) addressing each of the following:
    • Why you’re interested in pursuing a Psy.D.
    • How the Psy.D. program at WCU will help you achieve your professional goals, including the match between your research/clinical interests and those of our specific faculty
    • Your interest in and experience working with diverse populations
    • Your interest in traumatic stress, children, or adolescents
    • Your primary clinical and research interests and experience
    • Special aspects of your academic background you feel make you especially well prepared for a career in professional psychology
    • Any specific weaknesses in your application you think should be explained
  • List three faculty members from any sub-discipline within the WCU Psychology Department whom you would like to serve as your dissertation research mentor. (NOTE: Psy.D. students are encouraged to consider identifying potential faculty research mentors who are not clinical psychologists, in addition to the clinicians who represent the core faculty within the Psy.D. program.)
  • Three letters of recommendation:
    • At least one letter must be written by an individual who is familiar with your academic and/or scholarly qualifications
    • If you have been out of school for a lengthy period, a letter should be submitted by an individual who is familiar with your scholarship, such as a co-author on a publication, a collaborator on a public service grant, a co-presenter in a training workshop, etc.

Application Timeline

West Chester University’s doctor of clinical psychology program admits students for the fall semester.

  • Application deadline is December 1; applications received after this date will be considered if space is available.
  • Students who successfully meet the University’s admission requirements will be invited to a virtual interview with program faculty.
  • Interview invitations will be sent by January 31.
  • Interviews take place on the third Friday in February.
  • Applicants will be informed of admissions decisions on or around March 15.
  • Your decision to accept your place in the entering class is due by April 15, at which time a $400 deposit is required.


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