Accelerated Bachelor of Science/Master of Science Program

Students with at least 60 credits and at least a 3.0 GPA may apply for this program. Students are encouraged to apply to the program as early as the end of their sophomore year. This program makes it possible to receive both degrees in 5 years (with 7 additional courses to be completed at the master’s level). A student may take up to 4 graduate CSC courses to satisfy undergraduate electives.

Excluded from the list are the Master of Science core courses CSC 520, CSC 530, CSC 540, and CSC 560 as well as the introductory Certificate courses CSC 512, CSC 515, and CSC 516.

For more information, contact the following faculty members:

  • Dr. Si Chen, Accelerated Program Coordinator
  • Dr. Md Amiruzzaman, Graduate Coordinator
  • Dr. Richard Burns, Department Chairperson


Step 1 - APPLY: Apply as early as the end of your sophomore year, but before the second semester of your senior year. You can accelerate by one class, or by four— it’s up to you! The earlier you apply, the more you will benefit from the program. 
Step 2 – BEGIN GRADUATE COURSES: Once accepted to the accelerated program, you will be provisionally accepted to the M.S. in Computer Science program. You will be able to register for and begin taking graduate courses at the undergraduate tuition rate once you have earned junior status. 
Step 3 – COMPLETE YOUR BACHELOR’S DEGREE: On target to meet all of your undergraduate degree requirements? Excellent! Apply for graduation and earn your bachelor’s degree. At this point if you plan to continue and complete the master’s degree program you will confirm that through Ramportal. As an accelerated student, you are not committing to complete both degrees, but we hope that you will maximize the benefit. 
Step 4 – GAIN GRADUATE STATUS: If you confirm that you are continuing your studies after completing the B.S., you will matriculate as a graduate student and be eligible for graduate aid, assistantships, and other graduate student benefits. 


  • Save time—you can complete both your B.S. and M.S. in five years rather than six
  • Save money—up to 40% off your graduate tuition
  • Less hassle—no need to file an official graduate school application
  • Maximize funds—use your undergraduate financial aid and scholarships toward your graduate classes through your senior year 

The graduate courses used to satisfy undergraduate electives excludes taking both the Graduate and corresponding Undergraduate course from this list:

Course Name Graduate Course Undergraduate Course
Operating Systems CSC 525 CSC 331
Networking CSC 535 CSC 335
Database CSC 545 CSC 321
Software Engineering CSC 555 CSC 402
Compilers CSC 565 CSC 416
Artificial Intelligence CSC 575 CSC 481
Topics in Computer Security CSC 583 CSC 471 (Spring) / CSC 472 (Fall)
User Interfaces CSC 585 CSC 417
Internship CSC 605 CSC 400
Independent Study in Computer Science CSC 610 CSC 490 - 499