Computer Security Certificate

This certificate is intended for students who wish to focus on the computer/network security aspects of Computer Science. To satisfy the certificate, the following Core Security courses must be taken:


Course Number Course Title
CSC 141 Computer Science I
CSC 142 Computer Science II
MAT 151 Introduction to Discrete Mathematics
MAT 161 Calculus I
CSC 220 Foundations of Computer Science
CSC 231 Computer Systems
CSC 240 Computer Science III
CSC 241 Data Structures and Algorithms
CSC 301 Computer Security and Ethics
CSC 302 Computer Security
CSC 335 Data Communications and Networking I
CSC 402 Software Engineering
CSC 471 Modern Malware Analysis
CSC 472 Software Security

In order for an undergraduate student to receive recognition of completion of the Computer Security Certificate, he or she must complete each of the Certificate courses with a minimum grade of C– and obtain an overall GPA of 2.0 in all courses taken for the certificate.

A student who wishes to pursue this certificate should file an Academic Plan Change Request via Ramportal, and select “Add certificate”.

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Analyze and resolve security issues in networks and computer systems to secure an IT infrastructure
  2. Implement secure measurements to protect networks, secure electronic assets, prevent attacks, ensure privacy, and build secure infrastructures that respect ethical principles
  3. Communicate effectively with IT professionals and key business stakeholders
  4. Understand legal requirement and regulations on cybersecurity