Student Conduct Process

This timeline provides general information on what a student can expect going through the student conduct process. More detailed information can be found in the Student Code of Conduct. If a student is unable to access or print out any communication received from the Office of Student Conduct, a hard copy can be picked up in the Office of Student Conduct, 200 Ruby Jones Hall, during business hours. Please note that this timeline is not intended for cases involving alleged violations of 23. Sexual Misconduct.

1. Student is documented for allegedly violating the Student Code of Conduct (this includes alleged violations of the law and residential living policies).

  1. The documentation can be from:
    1. Residence Life staff member (i.e. Resident Assistant)
    2. University Police Officer
    3. Borough or Township Police Officer
    4. University student, staff, or faculty member
    5. The Office for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

3. Student meets with the hearing officer to discuss the case.

  1. During the Conduct Meeting, the student may:
    1. Take responsibility for violating the Code of Conduct and accept the range of sanctions and sanction conditions proposed by the hearing officer.
    2. Request a Sanction Reconsideration
      1. The student may submit a Sanction Reconsideration Request which includes (a) proposing an alternate sanction, (b) identifying the intended learning goals to support the alternate sanction, and (c), include a narrative as to why the new sanction is more appropriate. If this appeal is not submitted within three (3) University business days of the meeting, the originally proposed sanction and sanction condition(s) will be formalized.
    3. Request a formal 
      The student denies responsibility for at least one of the alleged violations. The purpose of a formal hearing is to allow for further exploration of other facts and circumstances for the alleged misconduct.
      1. To request a hearing, the student completes a formal Hearing Request Form.
      2. The student will be scheduled for an Administrative Hearing (one faculty/staff hearing officer) or a University Hearing Board (comprised of up to three University community members).
      3. The student will receive a letter detailing the date, time, and location of the hearing as well as the Formal Hearing Process Overview & Prep Checklist.
    4. Request more time to decide how to proceed, and schedule a follow up meeting with the hearing officer.
  2. During the Conduct Meeting the following could also occur:
    1. The hearing officer could withdraw or dismiss the alleged charges.
    2. The hearing officer could determine further investigation is needed before a decision can be reached and schedule a follow up meeting with the student.

5. The student my exercise the option of appeal noted at the bottom of their outcome letter based on the specific appeal reasons cited in the policy. The student has 5 University business days to appeal.

  1. Any student found responsible for a violation of the Code of Conduct, shall have the right to appeal their case (based on the grounds below):
    1. A procedural irregularity under the University policy or procedures that affected the hearing outcome;
    2. New evidence that was not reasonably available through the exercise of reasonable diligence at the time of the hearing or dismissal of the Formal Complaint that could affect the outcome of the matter;
    3. The Title IX Coordinator, Investigator(s), or Decision Maker(s) had a conflict of interest or bias for or against an individual party, or for or against complainants or respondents in general, that affected the outcome of the matter;
    4. The Disciplinary Sanction imposed was grossly disproportionate to the violation(s).
  2. If a student is not satisfied with the outcome from their appeal, they have the right to submit a second level appeal. The second level appeal is the final step in the conduct process.


2. Student receives a Conduct Meeting Notice via their WCU e-mail account. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the information filed and understand the student’s perspective about what happened. 

  1. The student should be sure to read their letter carefully as it includes:
    1. What aspects of the Student Code of Conduct the student is alleged to have violated.
    2. Date, time, location and description of alleged misconduct.
    3. Date, time, and location of the Conduct Meeting.
    4. Name and contact information of the hearing officer (University staff member) the student will be meeting with.
    5. A copy of the Student Options Guide.

  2. A student has the right to be assisted by one advisor during all conduct proceedings, and may find that helpful to them. A student may choose to have an advisor or not.
    1. A student’s advisor could be a family member, friend, attorney, etc.
    2. A student can also select to work with a trained process advisor who is well-versed in student conduct proceedings and process. Students interested in this option, can contact one of the staff members listed in the Policy & Process Advisor Information.

4. Following a Conduct Meeting or Hearing, the student will receive an Outcome Letter via their WCU e-mail account. This letter details the outcome of the case and any applicable sanctions and sanction conditions. 

  1. Possible sanctions include:
    1. Disciplinary Reprimand
      A written warning that the student’s behavior has been in violation of University regulations.
    2. Disciplinary Probation
      Probation is a period of time during which the student must demonstrate the ability to comply with University rules, regulations and other requirements as stipulated by the sanction conditions.
    3. Final Disciplinary Probation
      Final probation stipulates that a student, in lieu of active University suspension, is being allowed to remain at the University provided that the student adheres to certain conditions, as set by the board or administrator.
    4. Disciplinary Suspension
      The student is involuntarily separated from the University for a designated period of time. A student may not attend classes or be enrolled in online or distance education, take exams, receive grades, or be on authorized University property except for authorized University business during the suspension period.
    5. Disciplinary Expulsion
      The student is involuntarily separated from the University. The relationship between the student and this University is permanently terminated. The student is not permitted on University property.
  2. Students are usually assigned sanction conditions in addition to their sanction. Sanction conditions are an educational task(s) that benefits the individual, University, or community. Examples include:
    1. Alcohol and drug educational workshops and/or meetings
    2. Reflection papers
    3. Connection to campus resources
    4. Residential reassignment
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