Research Interests
- Austrian Studies
- Film Studies
- Holocaust Studies
- Twentieth and Twenty-first Century German Language, Literature, and Culture
- Jewish Cultural History in German and Yiddish-speaking Central and Eastern Europe from
the Enlightenment to the Present
- Hungarian Studies
Classes Regularly Taught
- GER 322/522: Austrian Literature and Culture
- GER 326/526: Holocaust Survivor Memoirs
- GER 405/505: Survey of German Film
- GER 325/525: German Linguistics
- LNC 502: Interpretive Strategies
- German Language and Culture at all levels
Recent Publications/Activities
- 2,001 Most Useful German Words. Dover Language Guides. Mineola, NY: Dover Publications, 2012.
Editorial Work
- Book Review Editor for the Journal of Austrian Studies
- Guest editor for Colloquia Germanica, Special edition on “Austrian and German Holocaust Memoirs,” edited by Laura Detre
and Joseph W. Moser, Vol. 54.1, 2022.
- Guest editor for the Journal of Austrian Studies, Special Issue on "Czernowitz," edited by Leslie Morris and Joseph W. Moser. Vol.
53.3, Fall 2020.
- Guest editor for Colloquia Germanica, Special edition on “A Haunting Past in Austrian and German Literature and Film,”
edited by Laura Detre and Joseph W. Moser, Vol. 48.3, 2015 [published December 2017].
- Guest editor for Colloquia Germanica, Special edition on “German-language Crime Fiction,” edited by Anita McChesney and
Joseph W. Moser, Vol. 46.2, 2013. [published February 2016].
- Jonny Moser, Nisko: Die ersten Judendeportationen. Vienna: Steinbauer, 2012.
- “Czernowitz – An Outpost of Austrian Multinational Identity in the East of the Habsburg
Monarchy.” In: ASA Tagungsband. U of Vienna Press. Forthcoming early 2025.
- “Jonny Moser (1925-2011)—An Early Historian of the Holocaust in Austria.” In: Contemporary
Austrian Studies. Vol. 31. 2022: 217-227.
- “Jonny Moser’s Wallenbergs Laufbursche (2006): An Austrian Historian’s Personal Eyewitness
Account of Surviving the Holocaust in Exile in Hungary.” In: Colloquia Germanica,
Special edition on “Austrian and German Holocaust Memoirs,” Vol. 54.1, 2022: 83-95.
- "Ruth Beckermann’s Reckoning with Kurt Waldheim: Unzugehörig: Österreicher und Juden
nach 1945 (1989) and Waldheims Walzer (2018)." In: Edinburgh German Yearbook. Vol. 14. 2021: 207-21.
- "The Architectural Memory of an Austrian-Jewish Utopia in Czernowitz." In: Journal of Austrian Studies, Special Issue on "Czernowitz," edited by Leslie Morris and Joseh W. Moser. 53.3.
Fall 2020: 45-62.
- "Erinnerungen an die Vertreibung der Juden aus dem Burgenland und Exil in Ungarn in
Jonny Mosers autobiographischen Aufzeichnungen." In: Lebensspuren. Autobiografik von Exil, Widerstand, Verfolgung
und Lagererfahrung. Eds. Konstantin Kaiser, Irene Nawrocka, Corina Prochazka und Marianne Windsperger.
Vienna: Theodor Kramer Gesellschaft Drava Verlag, 2020: 264-74.
- "TV-Dokumentationen und Zeitzeugen: Die Czernowitz Filme Volker Koepps." In: Terra Judaica. Eds. Andrei Corbea-Hoisie and Ion Lihaciu. Konstanz, Germany: Hartung-Gorre Verlag,
2020: 407-14.
- “Blurring Fiction with Reality: Robert Schindel’s comédie humaine of 1980s Vienna
in Gebürtig and Der Kalte.” In: New Perspectives on Contemporary Austrian Literature and Culture. Ed. Katya Krylova. Bern, Switzerland: Peter Lang Press, 2018: 373-91.
- “Der Blick von Außen – Czernowitz als westliche Kulturmetropole im Osten der Donaumonarchie.”
In: Toposforschung im Lichte der U-topie: Literarische Er-öerterungen in/aus MittelOsteuropa. Eds. Andrei Corbea-Hoisie and Ion Lihaciu. Konstanz, Germany: Hartung-Gorre Verlag,
2017: 253-67.
- “Hauting Policework in Andreas Pittler's Bronstein Detective Series.” In: Colloquia Germanica, Special edition on “A Haunting Past in Austrian and German Literature and Film”
Vol. 48.3, 2015 [published December 2017]: 219-28.
- “Detectives in a Criminal Regime: Krimis in Nazi Comedy Film.” In: Colloquia Germanica, Special edition on “German-language Crime Fiction,” Vol. 46.2, 2013. [published
February 2016]: 154-62.
- "Österreichischer Gegenwartsroman." In: Text + Kritik. Special Volume "Österreichische Gegenwartsliteratur." September 2015: 129-139.
- "The Kafkaesque in Robert Schindel's Novel Gebürtig." In: Journal of the Kafka Society of America. vol. 35 and 36, 2011-12: 65-7. [published May 2014]
- "Vienna Imperial at Home and Abroad: The City as Film Myth in the 1930s and 1940s"
and "Scene Reviews of Endstation (1935), Operette (1939), and Der Bockerer (1981)."
In: World Film Locations: Vienna. Ed. Robert von Dassanowsky. Intellect Series, 2012: 8-9, 20-1, 34-5, and 80-81.
- "Picaresque characters in Lilian Faschinger's Vienna Passion." In: Modern Austrian Prose: Interpretations and Insights, vol II.Ed. Paul Dvorak. Ariadne Press, 2012: 249-65.
- "Franz Antel's Bockerer series: Constructing the Historical Myths of the Second Republic
of Austria." In: New Austrian Film. Eds. Robert von Dassanowsky and Oliver Speck.
Berghahn Books, 2011: 43-53.
International Conferences
- “Surviving the Holocaust in Hungary as an Act of Resistance: Jonny Moser’s Autobiography
Wallenbergs Laufbursche,” German Studies Association of Australia (GSAA), Sydney,
Australia, 29 November- 1 December 2023.
- “Czernowitz: Der östlichste Anker Wiens in der Donaumonarchie,“ Zwischen Bollwerk
und Brücke? Der habsburgische Südosten Europas Konferenz. Institut für deutsche Geschichte
und Kultur Südeuropas, Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich, Germany, hosted in Sibiu,
Romania, 28 September – 1 October 2022.
- “Austrian and Hungarian Hybrid National Identities in the Holocaust,” Hungarian Studies
Association of Canada, 14-16 May 2022.
- “Czernowitz – An Outpost of Austrian Multinational Identity in the East of the Habsburg
Monarchy,” Austrian Studies Association (ASA), Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań,
Poland, 1-3 July 2021.
- “Kritik des Literaturbetriebs in Marlene Streeruwitz Roman Nachkommen (2014)“ at “Punkt. Marlene Streeruwitz. Überschreitungen” Conference at Université
libre de Bruxelles and the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium, 23-25 April 2020.
[cancelled due to the pandemic]
- “Die letzten Zeitzeugen des österreichischen Czernowitz in Volker Koepps Dokumentarfilmen
Herr Zwilling und Frau Zuckermann und Dieses Jahr in Czernowitz” at “Die Geschichte
der Bukowina nach dem Visual Turn” Conference at the Bukowina-Institut of the Universität
Augsburg, Germany, 17-19 October 2019.
- “Nisko: Eichmanns Versuch einer ersten Judendeportation aus Wien, Ostrava und Katowice
im Oktober 1939,“ at “Deportationen der jüdischen Bevölkerung im nationalsozialistischen
Herrschaftsbereich“ Workshop at the Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies,
Vienna, Austria, 11-13 June 2019.
- “Kurt Waldheim as a Cultural Turning Point in Austrian Literature and Film,” at “Politics
of Contemporary German Culture” Conference at the University of St. Andrews, Scotland,
United Kingdom, 26-27 April 2019.
- “An Early Confrontation between Zionists and Eastern European Jewish Nationalists
at the 1908 Czernowitz Yiddish Language Conference,” at German Jewish Studies Workshop
at University of Notre Dame’s Tantur Ecumenical Institute in Jerusalem, Israel, 16-22
March 2018.
- “Erinnerungen an die Vertreibung der Juden aus dem Burgenland und Exil in Ungarn in
Jonny Mosers Autobiographie Wallenbergs Laufbursche (2006),” at “Autobiographik von
Exil, Widerstand, Verfolgung und Lagererfahrung” conference, Theodor-Kramer-Gesellschaft
and Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW), Vienna, Austria, 23-25 November 2017.
- “An Allegory of Present Issues of Displacement: Andreas Pittler’s Das Totenschiff,”
at the “Austria in Transit: Displacement and the Nation State—Cultural Responses in
the Austrian Context” conference at King’s College London, United Kingdom, 31 August-2
September 2017.
- “Der Blick von Außen—Czernowitz als westliche Kulturmetropole im Osten der Donaumonarchie,“
at “‘Toposforschung im Lichte der U-topie’ (Paul Celan): Literarische Er-örterungen
in/aus MittelOsteuropa—DAAD-Alumni-Netzwerk-Tagung“ at the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University
in Iasi, Romania, 20-25 September 2016.
- "Bernhard Aichners Österreichische 'Dexter-Figur' in seinen Romanen Totenfrau und
Totenhaus," Austrian Studies Association (ASA), University of Vienna, Austria, 14-17
March 2016.
- "Blurring Fiction with Reality: Robert Schindel's comédie humaine of 1980s Vienna
in Gebürtig and Der Kalte," University of Nottingham Conference on Contemporary Austrian
Literature, Film, and Culture, Nottingham, United Kingdom, 13-15 April 2015.
National Conferences
- “German-Ukrainian-Jewish Identity in Dimitrij Kapitelman’s Novels,” German Studies
Association (GSA), Atlanta, GA, 26-29 September 2024.
- “Defining Jewish Space Through Language in pre-Holocaust Europe,” German Jewish Studies
Workshop at the University of Notre Dame, South Bend, IN, February 18-20, 2024.
- “Political Populism in Doron Rabinovici’s Novel Die Einstellung (2022),“ Austrian
Studies Association (ASA), Easton, PA, 14-16 April 2023.
- “Questions of Identity in New German-Jewish-Post-Soviet Novels by Dimitrij Kapitelman,
Olga Grjasnowa, and Sasha Marianna Salzmann,” German Studies Association (GSA), Houston,
TX, 16-18 September 2022.
- “The Rechnitz Massacre in Eva Menasse’s novel Dunkelblum (2021),” Austrian Studies
Association (ASA), New Orleans, LA, 12-15 April 2022.
- "Jonny Moser - An Early Historian of the Holocaust in Austria," German Studies Association
(GSA), Indianapolis, IN, 30 September - 3 October 2021.
- “Austrian-Jewish Literature and Film,” invited lecture at Freud Lecture Series, Camden
County College, Blackwood, NJ, 29 April 2021.
- “Jewish Vienna in the Era of Sigmund Freud,” invited lecture at Freud Lecture Series,
Camden County College, Blackwood, NJ, 8 April 2021.
- "The Election of Kurt Waldheim in Austrian-Jewish Literature and Film," German Studies
Association (GSA), Portland, OR, 4-6 October 2019.
- “Austrians in Exile in Hungary during the Holocaust in Jonny Moser’s Autobiography
Wallenbergs Laufbursche,” Austrian Studies Association (ASA), Bowling Green, OH, 11-14
April 2019.
- “Post-Holocaust German-language Memories of Jewish Life in Austrian Galicia,” Sixth
Biennial German-Jewish Studies Workshop, University of Notre Dame, South Bend, IN,
24-26 February 2019.
- “The Fascination with Vienna in Film,” invited lecture at lecture series on “Austria on Film” at Camden County Community College, Blackwood, NJ, 5 February 2019.
- “Remembering the Expulsion of Jews from Burgenland and Exile in Hungary in Jonny Moser’s
Autobiography Wallenbergs Laufbursche (2006),” German Studies Association (GSA), Pittsburgh,
PA, 27-30 September 2018.
- “Architecture as Memory of an Austrian-Jewish Utopia in Czernowitz,” German Studies
Association (GSA), Atlanta, GA, 5-8 October, 2017.
- “Habsburg Nostalgia in Czernowitz, today’s Chernivtsi, Ukraine,” Austrian Studies
Association (ASA), Chicago, IL, 16-19 March 2017.
- "Real and Imagined German-Jewish Culture in Czernowitz after 1940," Fifth Biennial
German-Jewish Studies Workshop, University of Notre Dame, South Bend, IN, 19-21 February
- “Hallo Dienstmann, Ober zahlen, and Hallo Taxi: Austrian Comedy Film in the 1950s,”
German Studies Association (GSA), San Diego, CA, 29 September-2 October, 2016.
- "Hauting Policework in Andreas Pittler's Bronstein Detective Series," German Studies
Association (GSA), Washington, DC, 1-4 October 2015.
- "Crossing Social Boundaries in Lilian Faschinger's Wiener Passion," Austrian Studies
Association (ASA), Dearborn, MI, 26-29 March 2015.
- "Detectives in a Criminal Regime: Krimis in Nazi Comedy Film," German Studies Association
(GSA), Kansas City, MO, 18-21 September 2014.
- "Pre-WW I Austria-Hungary in Nazi Entertainment Film," Austrian Studies Association
(ASA), Austin, TX, 6-9 February 2014.
- "Humor in Austrian TV Krimis," German Studies Association (GSA), Denver, CO, 3-6 October
- "Class Struggles in Hans Moser's Films," Austrian Studies Association (ASA), Waterloo,
ON, Canada, 2-3 May 2013.
- "Marika Rökk: Constructions of Exoticism in Nazi Film," German Studies Association
(GSA) Conference, Milwaukee, WI, 4-7 October 2012.
- "Paul Hörbiger's roles in Nazi Comedy and Propaganda Film," Austrian Studies Association
(ASA) Conference, Long Beach, CA, 26-29 April 2012.
- "The Kafakesque in Robert Schindel's Novel Gebürtig," Roundtable sponsored by Kafka
Society, Modern Language Association (MLA), Seattle, WA, 5-8 January 2012.
Read more Faculty Profile