Emergency Alert Notifications: General

The official source for continuously updated emergency information, directions and instructions, and relevant information is the WCU homepage. Helpful hint: Use the "Refresh" button to be certain the latest information is available!

The following information has been extracted from the Mass Communication Policy .

In an emergency, the University will communicate key information as quickly and to as many people as possible. Key information will include:

  • The type of incident
  • The location of the incident, if known, and
  • What the reader's response should be (Example: Person with gun on campus. Secure yourself in a safe place and wait for police.)
  • Initial emergency communications will convey only the most critical information.
  • As the situation or emergency unfolds, the University will post interim announcements and/or instructions on the homepage.
  • The University will issue an All Clear message to convey the University's return to normal operations via the primary communication methods.

When will the Alert System be activated?

If there is a condition which threatens the health and safety of persons on campus, University officials will warn the campus community.

Examples of Threats

  1. On-going safety threats in which an armed or dangerous criminal is at large on campus
  2. Major facility emergencies or evacuations
  3. Large-scale gas leak
  4. Bomb threats
  5. Fire
  6. Hazardous material spill occurring either on campus or near enough to campus to cause a credible threat to members of the campus community
  7. Severe weather, e.g. threat from a tornado requiring those on campus to take shelter
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