(Yearbook Photos through the years)The Criterions in the Serpentine

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Thumbnail: The SERPENTINE T "JOHNNIE" SMITH'S ORCHESTRA HIS is one of the most outstanding organizations, not only on the campus but through- out the entire state as well. In fact our school can boast of having the best Dance Orchestra of any college in the East. Favorable criticisms to back this statement were given to "Johnnie" by some of the foremost dance-kings in the country, such as Paul Specht, Vincent Lopez, and Roger Wolfe Kahn, The success of this Orchestra is largely due to its leader, for "Johnne" is a very capable young man, and has an excellent musical background, a fine personality, and a very good. conception of business. We are anxious to know who will take charge of the school Dance Orchestra next year, for we as Seniors take a great deal of pride in its affairs. Whoever it be, we wish you success. THE PERSONNEL OF THE ORCHESTRA "Jon" Sam. Vilnis and Leader MAURICE FOULEY, V NATE WAGS, Tenor Bang LEON BERNSTEIN, Reeds KENTON TERRY, Reeds Rena ONU, Reeds Lo" GARMAN, Pans CHARLIE RAMBRIDGE, Peru "RU" SHUTTLEWORTH, Trumpet "CHARLIE KENNARD, Trumpet "Jo HANSELMAN, Trombone "CHARLIE WEIDS, Saphone "A" EVANS, Tenor Solit [158]


Thumbnail: P. Payne, R. Dick, F. Albastra, L Bertem, S. Ara, H. Hagh, R. Shuttleworth, N. Wagner JWagner, C. Weidner, J. Haneman LEON BERNSTEIN, FRANK ALBOSTA... RICHARD DIEHM. HARRY HAIGH, RUSS SHUTTLESWORTH, JOHN WAGNER CHARLES WEIDNER. Purple and Gold Dance Band JOSEPH HANSELMAN. Saxophones and Clarinet Saxophones, Clarinet, Trombone Trumpet Trombone Trombone, Tenor Soloist Bass, Baritone Soloist SAM ARENA Drums PURNELL PAYNE Piano NATHAN WAGNER. Banjo Russ SHUTTLESWORTH, Manager HARRY HAIGH, Director One Hundred Eightyinm


Thumbnail: 5 Arm R. Wig Н. Мещи Haigh C. W R. D R. Pay D. Wer Sensors PURPLE AND GOLD DANCE BAND HARRY HAIGH Trumpet ROBERT BICKLE Banjo Juniors JON WAGNER Trombone RICHARD DIEHM Saxophone PURNELL PAYNE Piano Sophomores SAMUEL ARENA Drums HARRY METZGAR Trumpet DONALD WITTER Saxophone Freshmen CLEMENT WIEDINMYER Saxophone EARL WIEDNER Tuba HARRY F. HAIGH, Manager and Director Our Hund N


Thumbnail: T The College Criterions HE college is very proud to be represented in the musical world by such a group of talented artists as the boys who make up this dance band. It has had the honor of playing in a great number of large cities in the cast as well as playing over some of the leading radio stations. The boys who go to make up the band as they appear in the picture are: Сект Wiene H. RICHARD Dienn DONALD WITTEK... EDWIN OLLECHOUT PURNELL PAYNE.. Jos R. WAGNER PAUL KOHLER. HARRY META SAMERE ARENA EARL WIEDER.. Kephone Stephen Samphone Gar Plane Trombon Trumpet Trumpet Drum Bast H. Richard Dichm is the Director. Not being content to play the saxophone he is also very adept at the piano and trombone. He also does very fine work along the lines of arranging and composing. John R. Wagner is the manager. He is the man who extends every effort to book the band, and it is to him that the band owes a great share of its success. One Hundred Sixty-tight


Thumbnail: Seed-La Nochick M. Sabol Sonding, L., FC Moore, & Miller, & DRAEN, H. P Classified as one of the leading college bands in the East is this homogeneous group of music students, known campus-wide as the "College Criterions". To them goes the all important task of supplying music for every college dance, whether it be the informal Saturday evening affairs or the gala college formals. Their songs and novelties are definitely an essential factor in the recreational and social program of the school. Under the leadership of Lenny Laubach, the Criterions have experienced a better than average year, they played for such notable outside occasions as Penn State house parties, hotel ball room dances, and high school formals Graduation will present four hard-to-fill vacancies in the personnel of the Creion Clayton Moore, trombonist, Russ Kunkle, fest saxophonist, Harold Donchick, second tenor sax man, and Lenny Laubach, pianist, will all graduate. COLLEGE CRITERIONS One hundred forty-eight


Thumbnail: FIXKalda Miller, Fara, Salad, Helig, Perum, Zually, Maya COLLEGE CRITERIONS A large part of the social life of a college community is dependent upon its dance band. West Chester is unusually fortunate in this respect, because the Criterions are recognized both on and off the campus as the leading college dance band in this section. Under the capable leadership of Emil Rusinko, the members of the group have accomplished their purpose of furthering and bettering the social life of the college. These master melody makers play at the informal "Day Hop" and Saturday night dances, and with equal facility they provide the perfect musical background necessary for the success of the "Big Three" of the college social season. That the ability of this group is widely recognized is attested to by the fact that they played all last summer at "The Wigwam", northern New Jersey's most famous dancing spot. Other off campus engagements during the current college year have been the Alpha Kappa Pi dance at Penn State, the Zemba Masque at Harrisburg, and the Sigma Nu dance at the University of Delaware. One hundred forty EMIL RESINS, LEADER OF THE CRITERIONS RISKS FOR A TRUMPET SOU) DURING THE AFTER-INNER KING CONCERT


Thumbnail: Criterions... First row Peonon, Faro Fest Lee, Halus, Var Will Back Lugha Cach Zwally The college dance bond, known as the Criterions, it an organization that has named enviable reputation for all. Well known for their work in this vicinity, the boys have played on various occasions at Penn State fraternity house ponies hotel dances in nearby Wilning tan, and at many local events To them is given the task af upplying the music for all dances given on connus, be they informal Saturday evening affairs or one al cur three forals Junior Pros, Midwinter Famal, and Senior Weekend. The various arrange nem fumhed by the members of the band are a conebuting factor to our social and recreational life here at college. They can account for a highly successful year under the able director ths of Kenneth Forar, alto drunner of the agongation. The usual toll of graduation will leave only one vacancy, the place behind the A proccession on Wednesday night in Section Hall fed boys e formal an dung their simou to main ber 11764 beng feet colege dance bord in the drum, which Kenny has led so capably for lour van Membership in the bond is achieved through audinion held once or twice a year, and a ember continues in good standing so long at his scholarship wamants it and his musical achievement deserves it Originality is a highly rated quality in this bond, and the wanbers are noted for some of the interpreto tion they have given A feature this year was "The Reluctant Dragon sung by Herman Helwig with gestures. Hes A-1 in the Army" was another unusual number The players have been known to den all sorts of attire to suit the occasion or at the request of a dance.com ittee At Varsity Club dancen they aametimes wear varsity sweaten, at the Mexican Fiesta they wore white, open-throated shirts dark trouen, and red sashes


Thumbnail: THE CRITERIONS Clara Tramp B, Clack, Henlere The Criteris "give" with eing Strictly on the social side in the music world we find the Criterions, our college dance band. This band plays for Saturday evening dances, formal affairs, and tex dances. It is a band with a reputation to uphold, and the Criterions of have succeelel in attaining the high standards set in other years despite the changes in personnel during the current year. During the first semester Howard Feist led the lund, but during the second semester Herman Helwig wickled the baton. Membership in the band is open to any man of the college who can qualify. A swing concert held on a Friday evening in the fall proved most popular with the students. This concert featured special arrangements and a special number starring Walter Klinikowski. The aim of the band is to make the social life of the college more enjoyable, and to provide suitable music for parties and dances. Seated Loughren, Will Standing Rhu Berger, Clatch, Maurer, Hornlarger, Michener, Zually, Helwig, Ollert


Thumbnail: CRITERIONS Km, Decca HornAN, DAN, M, L PURPOSE: To offer an opportunity to those students who are interested to play as well as to compose and arrange popular music is but one aim of the Criterions, who also provide the music for all dances on campus, as well as for dances in the locality. ACTIVITIES: Who could think of the Mid-Winter Formal, the Junior Prom, or Senior Weekend, to say nothing of the many informal dances of the year, with out giving due consideration to that group who so capably furnished the music for the occasion? In addition, this group of musicians entertains frequently off campus and has gained a reputation as a fine dance orchestra.. 160


Thumbnail: COLLEGE CRITERIONS Though greatly hampered by the prevalent handicap of the present day, lack of man power, Bob Rhoads whipped into shape a dance band which did a good job of maintaining the enviable reputation established by the famous iivesters of pre-war days. At the beginning, Bobs, the leader and drummer, faced the difficult. job of having to build the outfit around but three veterans, Carl Delacato, Joe Doran, and himself. To fill the vacancy on second trumpet, Charlie Gross took over. Though he had never played the instrument before, because of his natural capacity for humor and hard work, Charlie became a fixture with the band. With the material that he had. Bob Rhoads did an excellent job. There are specialties which earmark the band-arrangements, novelties, and vocals. Those beautiful slow tunes that so many have danced to were arranged by Dave Heck in his own inimitable style. Several of the fast numbers such as: "Blue Skies" were written by Bob Rhoads. And no one will forget that lovely. haunting "Where or When" as interpreted by Howdy Blankman in his notable arrangement. Most of the vocals are handled by Steve Clark, a freshman, whol also plays baritone saxophone and clarinet. The musical efforts of the Criterions include not only weekly and formal dances on campus, but also outside work at proms, fraternity dances, and local social clubs. C 144


Thumbnail: THE CRITERIONS Standing: Gross, Calkins, Richishe, A Klotch, Sopella, Hetrick, Clark, Klatch, Taylor, Klein Seated Heck The Criterions, our smooth but terrific dance band, are just about back into pre-war shape with the return of those virtuoso musicians to its sessions. In September, Charlie Gross, the leader, who also doubles on bass and trombone, took over the baton from Bob Rhoads and inherited four of last year's players: Howdy Blankman, lead trumpet, Herman Dash, lead alto sax, Al Reimschissel, second tenor, and Steve Clark, third alto. He filled out the band with returning veterans Jim Calkins, second trumpet, Stephen Klatch,. third trumpet, Carl McLean, trombone, for rhythm Cameron Clyde at the piano, George Klein, a Health Education student on drums, and Charlie himself on bass. New blood was pumped into the Criterions when a deluge of veterans hit tho can pus in January. The revamping of the band was due to priorities of previous Criterion members over certain seats. Changes included Tony Klatch on lead trumpet, Johnny Sapella doubling the lead, and Phil Taylor on trombone. The sax section added Larry Klatch, lood alto, and Don Hetrick playing third alto. Dave Heck returned to the piano and to his former role of arranger par excellence. Activities of the Criterions ranged all the way from little shindigs at school to our big, glamorous formals, to outside engagements in Wilmington, Sharon Hill, Oxford, Perkio- men, and Unionville. 62


Thumbnail: COLLEGE CRITERIONS Left Right Haine Murray, Ward Kiel, Tronce, Toon, Barth, Hope, McLean Natal, Gom franch If one were to poll the students, their most conservative estimate of the Criterions would probably be one of the best college dance bonds in the East Al Ronchinel fell heir to the baton this year and to the glamor and to the perspiration that go with it. Al has a carry-over of five players from last year's group: Al himself, on first tenor saxophone, Phil Taylor playing first trombone, Roland Keller, piano, Carl McLean, bass, and Dick Haarde, third trumpet. The rest of the line-up looks like this: Gene Barth, first hoophone, August Natuli, second alto saxophone, Harold Hainer, second tenor saxophone, Earl Ward, baritone saxophone, Frank Tronpor, first trumpet: Jinny Murray, second brunet Charles Maver, second trombone, and Dick Boccelli en drums. If you have wondered about some of those haunting arrangements that the Criteriont give out. Rhapsody in Blue is the bean child of Dick Haarde, Harold Haines worked out "Adias and several vocals, Roland Kneller signs his name to "Rockin Chair", and Phil Taylor sings his own arrangement of Sweet Lomaine and others The Hotel Philadelphian heard the Criterions play there in December, and they also played at any off-campus college dances: Of course we danced to the music of the Criterions every Saturday night and at all of those super formalt. We enjoyed their Chapel program in March, when Dick Hoorde's exclusive Gershwin Symphony was the feature 159


Thumbnail: THE CRITERIONS West Chester can boast of the best college dance band in the East. Yes, our own Criterions! What would our after-dinner dancen do without the Criterions? Then, too, we have them to thank for the extra special music for those super formals Al Remschissel is the man in charge of the baton this year. He also does a fine job on the tenor sax. If you have wondered about some of the fine arrangements the Criterions play, here is a little known fact. Many members of the band write their own musical arrangements This band also plays at many off-campus affairs. We just cannot praise the Criterions enough: Thanks, fellows, for your grand music. Seated Rechel Standing Meyer, Sche, Natok, Tarlox, Saylor, Word, Beth, Tron Man, Heck, Stinger, M 149


Thumbnail: College Criterions The leading light of our social life on campus is the College Criteriont The purpose of this group is to provide music of weekly dances and at special proms sponsored by the college, however, outside schools and organizations have also been entertained by them, Membership is based on competitive auditions which are held at the beginning of each school year. During the year a new code of ethics was foreed. The personnel consists of Earl Ward, the industrious and capable leader, whose special instrument is the baritone saxophone, August Natoli and Joseph Blewett, the alto saxophone players, together with Harold Schilf and Poul Hocker as tenor saxophonists. The trumpet section consists of Frank Trosor, Edgar Thomas, and Durrell Blank, the trombonists are Charles Mayer and Gordon Gibson. The rhythm section is Irvin Jacobson, piano, Howard Stringer, drum, Jane Murray, ban The senior members are Charles Mayer, Jones Murray, and Frank Tronsor. € ob Plans, Jacobson, Saxophone, Schi, lewer, Hocker, Ward Trombone, Gibson, Mover, Bou, Mu Trumpet, The Tromer, Bank Drums, Singer 146


Thumbnail: CRITERIONS Front Row Jacobson, Schult, N, Ward, Hocker, Back Row Hund, Stringer, Land, Thomas, Blank, G The Criterions, West Chester's own dance band, had a year filled with engagements for the many social events of the comput. This year the Criterions, under the leadership of Harold Schill, provided better munc for listening and dancing For the first time in a number of years the band members were uniformed in grey corduroy coats, blue slacks, and blue ties Some of the outstanding events the Criterions played for this year were the Junior Prom, the Friars Cabaret, and the Mid-Winter Formal. The saxophone division included August Notoli and Joseph Blewett, alto, Harold Schilf and Poul Hocker, tenor, and Earl Word, baritone. The brass section included Gordon Gibson and Samuel Rhinesmith, trombone, Durrell Blank, Edgar Thonas, Arlen Saylor, and Thomas W. Miller, trumpet bon. The rhythm section was composed of Irving Jacobson, piano, Howard Stringer, drums, and Francis Bundra, 128


Thumbnail: Criterians The Criterions, under the leadership of Irving Jacobson, played for a selected number of important college events The Junior Prom, the dance for the January graduates, the Mid-Winter Formal, and the sophomore semi-formal were major conput events made succesful by the Criterion West Chester's own dance band also played for the Frian Bell Ringers Ball" and the Varsity Club dance. In addition to leading the band, Irving Jacobson aho played the piano. The sophone section featured Ronald Dellicker, Albert Leader, Carl Schwarz, John Schwarz, and John Parkhur Robert Homine, Jones Reid, and Durell Blank played trumpet while Joseph Kernighan performed on the trombone. The bont player was Willias Trader, and last but not least, Frederick Winnan handled the drums Robert Meyers and Robert Marna also appeared with the band on occasion # 118 # #


Thumbnail: The Criterions under the direction of Irving Jacobson provided cool, danceable music for all of the big dances except the Senior Prom. They were featured at dances sponsored by the Varsity Club, the Friars, the Junior, Class, and the Advisory Band Added to the large book of original arrangements were numbers by Ronald Dellecker, Irving Jacobson, and Raymond Houster. Featured with the band were vocalist John Hall: James Reed, trumpet; John Schwarz, tenor sax Jack Parkhurst, alto sax; and Joseph Kernaghan, trombone. Robert Homony bew lead trumpet with the backing of James Reed and Joseph Bugho Filling out the sax sections were Ronald Dellecker, Karl Schwarz, and Richard Brendlinger. The rhythm section was comprised of Irving Jacobson, William Traxler, and Fred Whitman THE CRITERIONS THE MARCHING BAND Though the schedule was shortened this year because of rain and the large number of away games, the band remained in the undefeated ranks. In fact, it wasn't even scored upon. Again the band treated the fans to a dazzling display of color and precision drilling. New formations included a bell, a grand piano, and a bugle. The music was always appropriate to these formations. Ronald Dellecker's Cherokee, and Mr. Carson's Bugle Call Rag made the fans bounce in their seats. Recently added to this list of unique arrange ments was Ja-Da by Mr. Richard Koon and Mr. Pand Carson Featured this year were baritone John Hall, who sang The Bells of St. Mary's, and James Reed, who did honors to the trumpet solo in Bugle Call Rag. The lead trumpets were all featured in Ja-Da. Senior Robert Myers fronted the band and thrilled the fans with his sensational twirling feats. The hand appeared at the Delaware game, where it received its usual ovation from the Delaware fans. The unit also appeared at the pep rallies and in the annual community Hallowe'en parade.


Thumbnail: THE MARCHING BAND Always enlivening the atmosphere in which it appeared. the marching band brought inspiration to games and pep alles Raymond Becker led as field drum major with Kenneth Roessler performing his twirling feats. With its precise forma tions and unusual presentations, the lively-stepping band, under the direction of Dr. Paul Carson and Dr. Alexander Antonowich, has never been lacking in unique arrangements to delight its fam THE CRITERIONS Pictured below are the Criterions college dance band, as they appeared at the dance honoring the January grad water. Under the leadership and direction of Raymond Hoaster, this group provided music at most of the dances Original arrangements included numbers by Raymond Hoster, Jack Parkhurst, and James Reed Featured as vocal- it was John Hall, who offered enjoyment for both dancer and tener


Thumbnail: THE MARCHING BAND Always enlivening the atmosphere in which it appeared. the marching band brought inspiration to games and pep alles Raymond Becker led as field drum major with Kenneth Roessler performing his twirling feats. With its precise forma tions and unusual presentations, the lively-stepping band, under the direction of Dr. Paul Carson and Dr. Alexander Antonowich, has never been lacking in unique arrangements to delight its fam THE CRITERIONS Pictured below are the Criterions college dance band, as they appeared at the dance honoring the January grad water. Under the leadership and direction of Raymond Hoaster, this group provided music at most of the dances Original arrangements included numbers by Raymond Hoster, Jack Parkhurst, and James Reed Featured as vocal- it was John Hall, who offered enjoyment for both dancer and tener


Thumbnail: Music The Criterions play for all the big dances at W.CST.C. This year "Sonny" Faton was the director of the hand, which consisted of sixteen members including the vocalists, Virginia Elliot and Fred Beinhart. Miss Elliot is the first man vocalist to appear with the hand. The Criterions the original arrangements of Raymond Hoster and Ronald Delleeker, former West Chester students. MARCHING BAND CRITERIONS Football memories would be incomplete without our Marching Band. Noted for its fast cadence and unusual arrangements, the band attends special occasions, sports events, and community affairs. It is directed by Mr. Carson and Dr. Antonowich with Kenneth Raessler acting as drum major. Special arrangements heard this season were by James Reed, Edwin Fell, and Fred Sales. The Marching Band has rightfully earned the reputation of the "Best Small College Band in the Country." KENNETH RAESSLER, DRUM MAJOR


Thumbnail: Criterions One of the numerous musical organizations on campus, the Criterions has been providing dance music for major school functions for many years. The band has undergone many important changes during the past year. It has added more variety to its library: and has come up with a pleasing commercial dance style. Much of this revision can be attritubed to original arrangements contributed by various members of the group. Jo Criterions


Thumbnail: Brass Ensemble Criterions The Criterions is a group of students interested in the realm of jazz and swing. With Thomas Silvester as its espalle leader, these men provide dancing enjoy ment for the students at many of the college dances. Composed of out- standing brass players in the Music Depart est, the Brass En semble is a student oper ated organization which meets once a week under the sponsorship of Mr. Powell Middleton.


Thumbnail: Well-known in West Chester music circles is certile Ped Vanderdice, director of The Cri- terions glee club There's music in the air when the Girl Glee Cheb meets criterions Munic for listening, music for danc ing, music made to order for campes social life provided by The Cri terious Mis Lois Williams, capable director of the Girls Glee Club


Thumbnail: THE CRITERIONS for their formal picture. First row, left to right, Alfred Desimone, Dennis Ciancios, Gerald Brown, Robert Felly, Francis D'Amico, Michael Sclick, director. Second row Wayne Vottle Donald Kuszyk, Jack Krone, Donald Downs, Francis Wink, Thomas Morris, Warren Miller, Laury Brokenshire, Criterions One of our most poignant memories for many years to come will be the music of the "Crites" played on numerous occasions during our college years. The Criterions, our own college dance band, not only provides music for formal and semi-formal dances, but also presents an annual convocation program which is thoroughly enjoyed by the entire audience. Under the direction of Michael Solick, the band transposes many favorite tunes to the original style of the band. The theme we hear often is "Paoli Local." Our appreciation is extended to each member of the Criterions! THE MELLOW NOTES of the Criterions provide a superb back. ground for dancing in the Philips Memorial Ballroom


Thumbnail: 118 SAY IT WITH MUSIC, say it with music by the Criterions. Under the copoble direction of Michael Salick, the "Crites" have provided our formal and semi- formal dances, as well as other college socials, with the very best in enjoyable With the help of Dr. James Wright, faculty advisor, the band has mode mony of its own arrangements of favorite songs. To the Criterions we attri bute many fond memories of our college Me The Criterions Salt at s was a te pe THE CRITERION-fight A. De, J. Gang D, C, 3. Ke W. W. C. W. Miller, J. Morgan W, M


Thumbnail: 42 CRITERIONS Many and memorable were the times when West Chester students danced to the music of the Criterions Familiarly known as the "Crites," the college band provided soothing sounds for numerous semi-formals in Philips Memorial Building, mixers in the Quad, and other social events. On May 9, the band presented the annual program in assembly for the enjoyment of all. Bob Curnow, student director, and Dr. James Wright, faculty advisor, arranged many favorite selections for the band Captivating music heard on campus any Monday night was likely to be coming from the "O & B" Room in Philips Memorial Building where the fourteen music education majors were diligently practicing. We applaud our own Criterions for helping to make our four years at WCSC most enjoyable. Robert Curnow Director of the "C" Presenting the College Criterion-First o L. Eastwood, L. Fiber, R. Cisk, R. Diehl, W Laws, saxophones Second row T. Beuninger, J. Stone, R. Crow, tromboos, and H. Evans Third E. Michellelder, F. Becan, J Stewart, trungets, and R. Brineeld, ma Mining from the picture, T. Verlander, bass Coocuting the evening of fun and dancing for West Chester students the "Crites strike up "Toli Local," the band's on theme song


Thumbnail: Snippet of multiple old style criterians photos from the 60's in black and white


Thumbnail: 36 Under the leadership of Bob Cumos, the Criterions have been an ever increasing dynamic and creative force on and off campus. The band members were: Bob Cumow, leader and trom- bone, John Schultz, Bob Notari, Joe Gangensi, Joe Smith, Frank Strouw, sases, Fred Bevan, Frol Carty, Brian Dooley, Bruce Herring, trumpets, Bull Stover, Jim Zollers, Lee Southall, trombones, Harry Evans, piano, Dave Reutchler, bass, and lust, Gary Gauger, percussion. The band has perfomed its line dance made at almost every important dance and informal misers thoughout the year. The versatility of the hand has been demonstrated by its wings at the Villa Intercollegiate Jazz Festivals, by the high school jazz cont this year, and by its own jazz concert which is given every spring CRITERIONS


Thumbnail: 38 Bill Stine takes a hack seat to no one when be begins to wall on a ban. A good rhythms group holds a band together and with Bill en la Larry Shirk on plan, and Gary Gauger on the drums, the sun is singly swings too Lee Southall, the Crite leader, examined the instrummutation of a new "chart." Some of the seres have been written and arranged by Lee and other members of the band. Striving for the best, Lee achieved finesse and polish CRITERIONS A familiar sight at the big dances on campus are the College Criterions, our band. Their music, be it dreamy or zesty, smooth or lively, has given social activities special sparkle. Do not disturb-top bean sections at work! Long practice sessions, and that extra effort after an already tiring day help to make the Cotes choice selection beccese individ ual, rather than being "t another song"


Thumbnail: The College Criterions perform at various social functions on campus including almost every impor tant dance and niany informal misers during the year. Under the leadership of James Sullivan the hand plays music which may be either smooth and dreamy or lively and zesty. The versatility of this group is demonstrated by its participation in the annual Villanova Intercollegiate Jazz Festival) and its own jazz concert presented each spring. Jim tries to obtain the best possible results from the "Crites", as they are commonly known at West Ches ter State, through many long and tedious hours of reheanals. These long practice sessions and extra effort help to make all selections of high quality All arrangements are chosen to suit each appearance. It Members of the Criterion for this year are Kirkpatrick, D. Amdt, C. B, L Mato, G. Batter, E. Bors, and W. Stine. 2nd For: 1 Sullivan, lector, C. Cong. W Campbell B. Hng Joel White, John White, G. Gillege, H. Yongy, J. Sorte, R. Demkee Criterions Improvisation is the test of a good perform ance, the Crites have certainly met this aim A ja in vs members of the Cries an pportunity to practice and to pick up some w techniques in the process. Much time and hard work print planning a performance


Thumbnail: criterions During this year, the first that the Criterions love worked as a lab hand, the group of young and excellent instrumentalists have experimented with arrangements composed by members of the group in addition to working with a large block of jazz numbers done by professional. With glowing cess last year the Crites placed find in their category and topped all division at the Villanova Intercollegiate Jazz Festival. The Crites exalted thest reputation as they traveled on to the Notre Dame Jazz Festival where they competed against In diana University, Illinois University and North western University in the finals. Pishing always higher, the Criterions will deserve the praise and credit awarded them by a proud West Chester State. The "onlt of most" will evolve from the session at hand. Jell Stoolt, Crites trumpeter, practices the Al Hit sound In a cornist clatter of sheet mic, the Crites beare Chest West Chedry State Villanova's Ja Festival ich spring the members of the Criterions are 1 to. Sullivan (Leader), CB, L. Ma, G. Ritter, R. Joseph, D. Lapp. I. tor 2nd T. Gi J Soete, D. Michael, J. Levrodis, G. Gillespie, I tor, nd F. Zubuck, J. White, W. McCamley, J. Bets, J. Stout


Thumbnail: The Criterions desne commendation for their constant ef Sots to present monical performances of the cent call Participants in the Villa Ister ate Jazz Festival, these talented present Wed Chester State College well The "Crites abo give a spring jazz concert at the college, one of the year's social lights CRITERIONS What does a true Criterion member enjoy most-a profes al performance cha that performed by J Sets and ho troeden?or an impromptu jm of a few nem bert, who let off steam in wee jazzy impestations? The answer is that each member ens both tre min becomes a part of his music, complementing it with personal


Thumbnail: 80 CRITERIONS The Criterions, in mass, brush-up on one of the musical numbers that they will play at the Villanova Intercollegiate Jazz Festival. Through many arduous hours of practice, the Criterions have perfected a style acclaimed by all. Practicing for one of their many dates, West Chester's award winning Criter ons were swinging in a jam session. The college's Criterions performed at the social functions on campus and proved themselves, as they inevitably always do, to be one of the best non-pro- fessional bands in the State. With a gamut of music the versatile "Crites" chose their numbers and all arrangements for the best sounds every appearance. STATESMEN There's nothing that quite compares with a full, big band sound and a swinging group like West Chester's Statesmen to deliver it. With the familiar ...and music by the Statesmen! Everyone knew the beat would be delightful for dancing or listening. Members of West Chester's Statesmen and their lovely soloist provided the warm and romantic atmosphere for numerous social functions while they recalled the era of the big bands.


Thumbnail: CRITERIONS above: The Criterions, one of the finest addi- tions to the West Chester musical program, are part of the range of music on campus that runs from heavy classical to heavy rock, with jazz at the center. Performing the numerous types of both "pure" and commercial jazz, the Crites have received more acclaim than other bands of the same collegiate rank. Comprised and directed solely by college students, the Crites have captured the spirit of the times. in music, not only by performing well-known musical numbers, but also by devising their own arrangements for commercially known and more obscure jazz. right: The Statesmen are also a student-run and led organization, providing West Chester with a dance band reminiscent of the big band sounds of the forties and fifties. Their services are frequently employed by the classes and organizations on the campus to play at their "formal" dances. STATESMEN OP 89 89




Thumbnail: Criterion Society for Performance and Appreciation of Music MEN NOVE LAMI 75 26


Thumbnail: Madrigal Choir 132 Criterions


Thumbnail: CHAMBER CHOIR A performance group, selected by audition. which features the music of the Renaissance and Baroque period. B B The West Chester State Col CRITERIONS lege Jazz Ensemble, the "Criter ions, has been functioning on this campus since 1927. In the past the "Crites" have played at many fine jazz festivals such as the Villanova and Notre Dame Inter-Collegiate Jazz Festivals The group also performs at many high school concerts in the im mediate area. 124


Thumbnail: Criterions two The jazz band, called the Criterions, is one of the most popular clubs on campus. Actually, there are groups, designated as Cri terions I and II, each having nineteen members. The students use arrangements from all the top bands and perform about fifteen times a year. One of their most success- ful jam sessions off campus this year was when they entertained at a nearby prison. Before the evening was over the prisoners join: ed in and, everyone rocked the rafters. Symphonic Band criterions and symphonic band 10


Thumbnail 'Creiterions'


Thumbnail: BACH EN Bi CRITERIONS The Criterions have two groups (Criterions I and II), both have per- formed at many high schools and colleges throughout the year and they have presented two concerts at the college during the year. Criterions 1. under the faculty direction of Jim Sullivan, presented Randy Purcell as a guest artist who played with Maynard Ferguson for four years. Both Criterions I and II have music majors and non-majors in their programs. M.E.N.C. The Music Educators National Conference at West Chester spon sors educational and cultural trips. on-campus programs, and guest clinicians. In addition, M.EN.C. of- fers students professional mem- bership in the Music Educators Association. Students receive periodicals and research informa tion as a result of their mem bership. 331


Thumbnail: CRITERIONS Criterions is the College jazz band consisting of both music and non-music majors. They perform at many high schools and colleges throughout the year. Row 1:1 Gerber, S. Showers, Kat, K. Hager, 1. Madley How A Goes M. Keller, T Southall, N. Bahan, H. Paber TK Koch, R. Hoover, E. Sergan B. Macaro, C. Wibo, CS, CH, Front: C. Harlyvetch, J. Duglio, D. Gibble, T Koch, TMG, H. Peartberg Saral J Jon Back Nekam, R., D. Miller, G. Gary Drummer: K. DiD BRASS ENSEMBLE


Thumbnail: CONCERT CHOIR Conductor Lis Will First How to K. Col Capert. E Jesses. D. Crabs J Shake Sus D. Perks, J. Joseph C Lane, D. Rabes. A Scheffler, Second Row: Wang, RB, K. Nowres D. Comper R Jensen, J. Kuchack, D. Kelles B. Hickers, S Hoffman, S. Miller, A Marberger, Third How T FA. Celarelli, J. Roscher, G. Bichard, J. Spade. S. Luang D Holland. M. Vale SC. H.Stanley, K. Hake. Fourth Row: M. Der W. Vastaget M. Slick, M. Klesch, D. B Clendening, D. William Wyman, T. Co G. Next, J. Sanh, T. Ward, E Stathis, Not CRITERIONS Die Les Sathall Trumpets: Los Spugendre. Steve Strawley, De Cooper, John Herlis, Gle Mahon, Tumbones Jeff Cortatan, Scott Chamberlain, Matt Nets, Bob Calp, Bill Clendenning Sases: Steve Erst, Dawn King Car Dharan, Jim Conrad, Don Eaton Plan Lec Whitmore, Bass Pet Pals Drums Rich F tores V, Ist Viola: Charles M. cum. Kan Armstrong Antoinette Colar To Me Diskles Carde Lutte, Patricia Harple, Red Violeta Kauffin Mary Pick, Andre Send M 1. Heidi H, Mary Hatlerts, Karel Harvey, Vida Ken Laskes, John Shankwelle, Kimberly Bake, Gorg Calle Lars Ruth, Meg Metiarvey Cynthia Stration, Tract McLendon, Lee Anne Will the figs S Bass Peter Pen, Jane Horn, Dill McDan Timothy Rash Scott Canals, Lisa Olejkowski, latex Kowars. Sheila Melaye, Elator Stats Olor Jalan Guthman, Gary Grey Kit Clarinet faines, So Parker, Trumpets Steve Shotwell, Steve Strales The Wise, One Weber, Trombones: Jeff Scott Chamberlain The Robert Tyler Jr. Person: Lina Spangenberg Gina Radio, Pally Camp Mary K SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA 121


Thumbnail: 142 SINGING PRETTY Concert Choir: Concert Choir is a mixed choir of students who are selected by au dition. The Choir consists of ap proximately 40 outstanding musi cians who are devoted to the preparation and performance of an extensive repertoire of music. In addition to area and campus pro- gram, the Concert Choir goes on an annual spring tour. The Choir meets every week, Tuesday and Thursday from 4:00 pm until 5:30 pm. The Concert Choir is open to students from all curricula. Criterions Jazz: The Criterions perform a variety of big band tradi tional and contemporary jazz literature. Besides con- certs here at West Chester University, the band often. plays at nearby high schools and participates in jazz festivals in the tri-state area. The organization is open to all majors and ad- missions is by an audition that is held during the first week of the fall semester. Masterworks Chorus: Masterworks Chorus is mixed chorus of junior and seniors in Music Education, as well as other students who are selected by audition. The Chorus meets twice a week and presents a spring program, as well as participating in the annual Carol Program.