Language Tutors

Tutors at the LARC Center:

  • The LARC Center offers tutoring in Spanish, German, Italian, and French. These sessions are on a first-come, first-served basis during the first weeks of the semester. Check the tutor information and contact them here.

Language tutors for 101, 102, 201 and 202 courses in the Department of Languages and Cultures:

Tutors are available in the Mitchell Hall computer lab in the basement, unless stated otherwise.

Spring 2025 Tutors

Language Tutor Hours
Arabic Joudi Bobaky

M 11-12

F 2-3

ASL Savannah Daly

W/R - 2 - 4

Chinese TBA  
French  Elise Mattie

M/F 4.30-6

French Emilie Smith

T/R 3-4

F 4-5

French Fatoumata Toure

T 10-11:30

W 10-12

German Levi Culp

M/W/F 12-1

Italian Alessandra Cedrasch

M/W/F - 12 - 1

Japanese Taylor Floria

Sat. 6-8

Japanese Matthew Grapin

W 3.30-5

R 11.30-1.30

Russian Emily Karreman by apt.
Spanish Mackenzie Carothers

MWF 11-12

Spanish Madelyn Greenberg

M 3-5

W 3-4